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Saturday, November 3, 2012

Site Legend Ciung Wanara (educational tour) - Karangkamulyan

Prabu Barma Wijaya Kusuma Galuh ruled vast kingdoms. Empress 2 people. The first named Pohaci Naganingrum and the second named Dewi Pangrenyep. Both are pregnant. In the 9th Goddess Pangrenyep birth to a son. The king was overwhelmed and his son was named Hariang Banga. Hariang Banga has 3 months old, but the empress Pohaci Naganingrum not yet given birth. Lest Pohaci later gave birth to a son who can seize the king's affection towards Hariang Banga, Goddess Pangrenyep intend intend harm Pohaci son.
After a months-13 Pohaci gave birth. The efforts Goddess Pangrenyep not a lady-in-waiting was allowed to help Pohaci, but Pangrenyep own. With shrewdness Pangrenyep, son Pohaci replaced by a dog. He said that Pohaci has given birth to a dog. Baby Pohaci kandaga inclusion in gold with chicken eggs and washed away in the Citandui river.
Because of the shame caused Pohaci Naganingrum a dog that had given birth, the king was very angry and told The resignation (court officials) to kill Pohaci. The resignation did not have the heart to carry out the king's orders to Pohaci, consort of lord. Pohaci ushered to the village where he was born, but the reporting has been murdered.
Is an Aki with his wife, Nini Balangantrang, rural Geger Sunten without neighbors. It's time they were married, but not endowed children. Nini had a dream one night of full moon fall. The dream that she told her husband and the husband knows Takbir dream, that they would receive sustenance. That same evening Aki went to the river to bring nets to catch fish.
How surprised and delighted he got the gold kandaga containing eggs and their babies, they take care of the baby with patience and compassion. Chicken eggs that had their hatching, they keep up to become a cock a magical and powerful. This adopted daughter they named Ciung Vanara. After the great Vanara Ciung ask his father and adoptive mother. Frankly Aki and Nini tells the story of the origin of Ciung Vanara. After hearing the story of father and adoptive mother, knew Ciung Vanara himself.
One day Ciung Vanara farewell to risking the chicken with the chicken king, because the king heard risking love chicken. The bet is that, if he lost chicken Ciung Vanara willing to sacrifice his life. But if the chicken king defeated, the king must be willing to promote him to the crown prince. The king accepted the offer gladly. Before the cock fight, cock crowing Ciung Vanara strangely, describing the events benahun years ago about the empress who was sentenced to death and containing gold kandaga baby washed away. King did not realize it, but otherwise The resignation was very impressed he was aware of it now Ciung. Even the Vanara in front of him was a son of the king himself. After contest, chicken and chicken king lost Ciung Wanara win. The king kept his promise and Ciung Vanara named crown prince. In a rapture party crown, king split 2 for Ciung Vanara kingdom and Hariang Banga. Done party crown appointment resignation to the king telling the truth about the empress Pohaci Naganingrum and Ciung Vanara.
Itii heard stories that the king ordered the guards arrested Pehgrenyep Goddess. That places the fight between Hariang Banga Ciung Vanara. Banga Hariang body was thrown across the river was flooding Cipamali. Since then, the kingdom Galuh divided into 2 parts by the river boundary Cipamali. In the western part was ruled by Hariang Banga. The people loved the harp and enjoys rhymes. While the eastern part was ruled by a Vanara Ciung. The people loved the shadow puppets and songs. Arts craze of the population will still be clearly discerned until now.

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